Do you want to feel more centered, more grounded, more comfortable in your skin? Then raise your interoceptive awareness, your ability to sense, “hold” and accurately interpret your bodily feelings. It will change the whole way you relate to your feelings, and yourself.
Are You Too Emotional? Not Emotional Enough? Interoceptive Awareness May Be the Key
Some people have trouble knowing what they feel. Others feel overwhelmed by them. Interoceptive awareness—paying sustained attention to the sensation of your feelings in the body—can help with both.
Are You Too Emotional? You Might Just Be More Aware of Your Emotions Than Most
“Highly emotional.” “Too emotional.” “Too sensitive.” You’ve been judged for it your entire life. But what if it’s actually an important capacity that just needs a little training? Learn how to fine-tune your extra-emotionality so you can become an Emotional Virtuoso.
Interoception: Your Body’s 7th Sense & How it Helps You
If you think you know all about the causes of your psychological “issues” but still feel stuck, maybe you need to tap into your body’s most important sense – the one you’ve probably never heard of – to get below what you already know.
The ABC’s of the Inner Voice
If you want to get in touch with your Inner Voice, use these 3 simple steps: Acknowledge what’s going on within you, Be with it, and have (Self) Compassion.