Anxiety is the feeling of feeling unsafe, the sense that something, you’re not sure what, is soon going to harm you. This emotion is too critical for survival to simply be told to go away. But if you get in touch with its purpose, it doesn’t have to hinder you.
Emotional Awareness
Four Tips for Creating an Emotional Safety Net Around You
Emotional safety is vital for both psychological and physical well-being. Here are four tips for creating an emotional safety net in your life.
Emotional Safety: What it is and Why it is so Important
Emotional safety is the basic building block for all healthy human relationships. It’s a critical element for happiness and vital for psychological and physical health. Yet more and more people seem to be lacking it.
How to Calm the Emotional Ups and Downs of Adult ADHD
Having adult ADHD means always having to say you’re sorry—not just for your forgetfulness, lateness and slip-ups, but for having intense “dysregulated” emotions that cause you pain and sometimes go out of control. But your feelings deserve more than just “regulation.”
What Fuses, Washing Machines & Cars Can Teach us About Emotional Resilience
Like the car insurance commercial says, there are times when life comes at you hard and fast! So how can you become more emotionally resilient? Here are three ways that you may not have thought of…
There Are No Enemies Inside: An interview with Ann Weiser Cornell on Inner Relationship Focusing
How do we change what’s “not working” within us? Listen as Ann Weiser Cornell, developer of Inner Relationship Focusing or IRF, explains how we can create lasting and transformative change through a profound process of compassionately listening to whatever is inside us.
The 7 Habits of Emotionally Successful People
Who wouldn’t want to be emotionally successful, able to meet all the emotional challenges of life? But maybe we’ve got emotional success backwards. Maybe the best way to become emotionally successful, at least for many of us, is to become successfully emotional.
Focusing – A Step Beyond Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness and mindfulness meditation have been shown to provide enormous physical and psychological benefits. But there’s a quicker and more direct path for developing emotional self-awareness and self-healing.
Emotional Triggers: Why They’re Hard to Spot, and What You Can Do About Them
Got triggered lately with your partner? Understand what happened—and learn how to talk through that painful episode with them in a way that brings you closer, not further apart.
It’s Good to Share Your Emotional Reactions (Even When They’re Irrational). Here’s How
Wouldn’t it be nice if all your unwanted feelings would behave themselves and go away? Unfortunately, they won’t! Do you have to keep them to yourself? Or can you share them with your partner anyway (and still avoid a blow-up)? Read on…
Do You Really Feel What You Feel? A Different Take on Emotional Awareness
Why are emotions so confusing? It’s because our brain has two distinct, yet parallel systems running all the time. And they often don’t work, or play well together, because they don’t speak the same language.
The Five Pathways to Self Awareness
You don’t need to go off to an ashram for six months to discover your inner truth. You just need to ask yourself the right questions.